



      *eBook-PDF orders will be delivered within 24 - 48 hours.
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*Blueprint for Change:
    Helping Children Establish New Behavior Patterns
- A practical technique for re-engineering patterns of self-limiting thinking about the children we parent and teach

PDF: eBook

*Blueprint for Change:
    Moving Schools Through Change – Planned and Unplanned
- The challenge of leading people through desired (planned) or required (unplanned) change

PDF: eBook

*Centerstones: Affirmations for Young Children
- An illustrated collection designed to develop clarity, calmness, courage, concentration, confidence, cheerfulness, and compassion in children 3 - 7 years old

PDF: eBook $14.00

*Creating A Collaborative Montessori "Best Practice" Program
- Via the "Montessori Best Practice Matrix," explore the standards and systems for establishing an authentic and consistent Montessori program and a cooperative faculty culture

PDF: eBook $17.00

*Eight Characteristics of the Master Teacher — Jonathan Wolff and Edgar Ball
- An empowering process of personal and professional transformation that utilizes the principles of the Native American Medicine Whee.

PDF: eBook $15.00

*Gaining and Maintaining Positive Relationships with Parents
- Apply the principles of customer focus used by successful service organizations to maximize enrollment and retention and optimize positive parent participation

PDF: eBook

*Juggling the Balls of Montessori TeachingNew Release
- Staying focused on what's Important while attending to what's needed

PDF: eBook

*Peer Mediation Training for Elementary Students
- A comprehensive guide for implementing a student-facilitated conflict resolution program for 9-12 year old peer mediators

PDF: eBook

*The Little Red Spoke: A Parable of Oneness
- A magical tale that teaches young children self-confidence, cooperation and the benefits of community

PDF: eBook

*The Three Wild Roses
- An interactive parable that teaches an important lesson on how to gain the love and respect of others by learning to share the best in ourselves while setting clear personal boundaries

PDF: eBook

*The Four Planes of Development of the Montessori Guide
- Meeting Teachers’ Needs Through Different Career Stages

PDF: eBook

*The Four Aspects of the Spiritual Preparation of the Adult

PDF: eBook

*The Medicine Wheel Affirmations
- Based on the work of Jamie Sams and David Carson, these melodic affirmations proclaim the dignity, grace, and power of the 44 animal "totems" of the Native American Medicine Wheel. An insightful tool for personal transformation for adults and children

PDF: eBook

*We Trust You With Our Child
- eBook:Conferencing with Parents in Ways That Build Rapport

PDF: eBook


eBook orders must be placed separately from printed publications
Do not bundle eBooks with books below

Bridging the Home . . . School Gap
- Providing Children with a Consistent Montessori Experience.


From Consciousness to Character, Collaboration to CurriculumNew Release


Many Voices, One VisionNew Release
- Cultivating a collaborative, cohesive, and innovative Montessori program


Making the Montessori Method More Meaningful to ParentsNew Release
- Enrolling, engaging, and retaining the families you serve


Peace Education
- Training for early childhood and elementary teachers in peace education fundamentals. Includes communication and community-building strategies, conflict resolution, peer mediation, leadership, and character development.


Staying on Course in High Seas and Strong Winds New Release
- Holding to the Montessori essentials amid pressures from within and without


Ten Characteristices of a Successful and Sustainable Teaching TeamNew Release


The Excercises of Practical Life New Release
- Optimizing learning and life skills from 18 months to 6 years


The Gift of Kindness New Release
-Teaching with an open heart and mind


The Rewards of Cultivating Positive Parent RelationsNew Release


The SnowfieldNew Release
- Metaphors for quieting heart and mind


What's Happened? What's Happening? What Needs to Happen Next? New Release
- Guiding teachers to be more reflective and proactive about Montessori practice improvements year to year


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School Leadership

      *eBook-PDF orders will be delivered within 24 - 48 hours.
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*Attracting, Developing, and Retaining a Superstar FacultyNew Release

PDF: eBook

*Assessing the Character and Culture of Your School Community
- 3 Models for Determining the Operative Values & Collaborative Atmosphere of Your Educational Culture.

PDF: eBook

*Juggling the Balls of Montessori TeachingNew Release
- Staying focused on what's Important while attending to what's needed

PDF: eBook

*Blueprint for Change:
    Moving Schools Through Change – Planned and Unplanned
- The challenge of leading people through desired (planned) or required (unplanned) change.

PDF: eBook

*Creating A Collaborative Montessori "Best Practice" Program
- Via the "Montessori Best Practice Matrix," explore the standards and systems for establishing an authentic and consistent Montessori program and a cooperative faculty culture.

PDF: eBook $17.00

*Peer Mediation Training for Elementary Students
- A comprehensive guide for implementing a student-facilitated conflict resolution program for 9-12 year old peer mediators

PDF: eBook

*The Four Aspects of the Spiritual Preparation of the Adult

PDF: eBook


eBook orders must be placed separately from printed publications
Do not bundle eBooks with books below

Blueprint for Change
- Challenge and crisis can be an invitation to improve your skill as a school leader. Redirect the energy used to maintain nonproductive habits of thinking that inhibit your effectiveness. Create relationships and a school culture that foster communication, cooperation and commitment


Bridging the Home . . . School GapNew Release
- Providing Children with a Consistent Montessori Experience


Deepening Our ConnectionsNew Release
-To the Child, To One Another, To the Montessori Philosophy


Making the Montessori Method More Meaningful to ParentsNew Release
- Enrolling, engaging, and retaining the families you serve


Many Voices, One VisionNew Release
- Cultivating a collaborative, cohesive, and innovative Montessori program


Six Habits of Highly Effective Montessori TeachersNew Release


Ten Characteristices of a Successful and Sustainable Teaching TeamNew Release


The Rewards and Responsibilites of the Parent-Teacher Partnership
in a Montessori Program New Release
- Working together to optimize learning


The Rewards of Cultivating Positive Parent RelationsNew Release


The Work of the BoardNew Release
- Protecting and perpetuating your mission


What's Happened? What's Happening? What Needs to Happen Next? New Release
- Guiding teachers to be more reflective and proactive about Montessori practice improvements from year to year


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      *eBook-PDF orders will be delivered within 24 - 48 hours.
        To ask about an existing order please email:


* The Hierarchy of Self-DisciplineNew Release
- How Montessori students learn to direct their lives and learning at home and at school

PDF: eBook


eBook orders must be placed separately from printed publications
Do not bundle eBooks with books below

Bridging the Home . . . School GapNew Release
- Providing Children with a Consistent Montessori Experience


Making the Montessori Method More Meaningful to ParentsNew Release
- Enrolling, engaging, and retaining the families you serve


The Rewards and Responsibilites of the Parent-Teacher Partnership
in a Montessori Program New Release
- Working together to optimize learning


The Self-Awakened Child Series
- A creative and practical series for parents and teachers committed to helping young children develop the qualities of character essential for "normalization."


Each of the 15 books focuses on a specific quality and includes parables, role plays, affirmations, self-awareness, and self-assessment exercises that help children learn to make respectful and responsible decisions.

Self-Awakened Child


Full Series



*Self-Awakened Child

PDF: eBook

Full Series















































































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