School Leadership Coaching


According to the Harvard Business Review, “The goal of coaching is the goal of good management: to make the most of an organization's valuable resources" - its people, products, and services.


One-on-one time with a leadership coach can produce measurable and sustainable results for school leaders and their staff: enhanced staff performance and heightened professionalism of the staff; a more effective use of the leader’s personal time and energy; harmonious relations with parents, colleagues, and board members; increased enrollment and retention; and skillful change management.


Jonathan provides educational leadership coaching for school heads, curriculum coordinators, department heads, lead teachers, board and committee chairs. Anyone tasked with managing and supervising individuals and work groups can benefit from leadership coaching.


Working over the phone or via internet video conferencing in weekly, biweekly, or monthly sessions, Jonathan's leadership coaching is geared to your schedule, budget, and learning style. Individualized assessment, guided instruction, mentored practice, and concrete action plans help you to achieve your goals for your staff and school community.


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